First Day on the Job
Today was the first day on my new job. It was a little overwhelming. Hopefully I’ll pick up on it pretty quickly. I think that once I understand what it is I’m doing, I’ll enjoy it.
Today was the first day on my new job. It was a little overwhelming. Hopefully I’ll pick up on it pretty quickly. I think that once I understand what it is I’m doing, I’ll enjoy it.
I’m very excited, because we are finally moved in at Wichita Falls! Adios Lawton… Can’t say I’ll miss you all that much…
I have only one more day of work left before I’m no longer employed by the City of Lawton. I’m pretty excited, though I guess I’m a little scared too… Big changes are always a little nerve wracking, I guess.
I’ve been using Ubuntu 11.10 for a while now. So far it seems okay. It has a lot of improvements over 11.04. The main problem that I have is that sometimes, especially when switching users, the system fails to switch to the GUI properly. It normally isn’t a problem for me, as I know most of the shortcuts like Ctrl-Alt-F8 and stuff, but it isn’t good for my wife. I hope that problem gets taken care of in 12.04.
I have to finish out the week at my current job, and instead of driving back and forth, we’re staying in our mostly empty house.
Donna and I are sleeping on the air mattress; Preston is on a camping pad; Russell is in his Pack-n-Play. Only three more days after today, and then it’s off to Papa and Grandma’s!
We’ve gotten most of our stuff moved to the new house. So now we are just hanging around here in Lawton as I finish up my job with the City. Then we’re off to Wichita Falls permanently. I am very excited. I think it will be a great change for my family.
Yesterday, Preston had an appointment at the dentist. I didn’t get to go, but apparently, he was a very good boy. He let them clean his teeth even! And of course, he had to make sure that they gave both him and Russell a toy and a new toothbrush. Always looking out for his brother!
Wow, when things start happening, they can sure move fast! On November 17th I received a PM on Facebook from Dale Cole about a possible job opportunity (thanks for thinking of me Dale!). I didn’t actually log into Facebook until the 18th, but when I did I replied that I was certainly interested. Two days later, after church, I was headed down to Wichita Falls to meet with my future boss from Gunn Oil Company…
So now, December 8th, we’ve already signed a lease on a rent house. I’ve scheduled electricity and gas service. I’ve only got two weeks and one day left to work for the City of Lawton, and then I’ll be starting as GIS Coordinator at Gunn Oil Company on December 27th. The movers are supposed to come by Monday to see what all they’ll be moving, and hopefully the actual move will take place around the 16th/17th. I guess I’ll be camping out in our current house the final week I’m working for COL.
It’s amazing how you tell God “not my will, but yours be done,” and yet you are disappointed when things don’t work out the way you want them to. God generally has a better plan for you!