

I got this aching pain in my mouth one day, and the next it was this great big sore – I guess it was a cold sore – on my tongue, near the back.  It hurt so bad that I couldn’t eat or talk.  Pretty much everything I did hurt…  So, for a few days I ate only soft foods… and very little.  I went to the doctor after a few days of agony.  They gave me a cortisone shot and some steroid mouth medicine to take for a few days.  The shot made me feel even worse!  My arms and legs ached.  I couldn’t even get a book off the shelf at the bookstore… It was pathetic, I had to ask Preston for help!  I even had to skip choir at church 🙁

Well, it’s been a few days (over a week), and it feels much better.  It’s not completely healed, but it is a lot better.  A lady at church suggested that the next time I feel one coming on, I should try Lysine.  I’ll have to remember that; I wouldn’t wish that pain on my worst enemy!

2012 Rattlesnake Hunt

2012 Rattlesnake Hunt

Yesterday we met up with my brother and his wife in Waurika for the 2012 Rattlesnake Hunt. We didn’t actually hunt for snakes (I hate them, personally). It is basically a big street carnival. Preston rode a kiddie-rollercoaster, a merry-go-round, and the ferris wheel. He had a great time with Uncle Ben! He even came home with a giant stuffed monkey, which he’s currently sleeping with!

Preston Cleans…

Preston Cleans…

Preston has been “cleaning” his room for about an hour and a half now. He’s not making a lot of progress… He’s mostly playing and singing. It’s hard to be mad at him, but I’m getting there.

Poor Presty

Poor Presty

Preston had his dentist appointment today. Poor guy, he’s gonna have to have oral surgery next month… Apparently he has an “extra” baby tooth growing in sideways underneath his other teeth. They are going to have to remove one of his other teeth to get to that one.  That sucks; his teeth are so pretty right now…

Toy Kitchen Hell

Toy Kitchen Hell

A few weeks ago Donna and I made the mistake of telling her parents that Russell just lovesthose toy kitchens. They got him one for his birthday; it was a nice-looking blue one. I decided yesterday to get it out of the box and set it up for him in the backyard.

It looks sweet and innocent… Don’t let it fool you

Two hours later, I finally finish putting the horrid thing together. If you’ve ever put together a model car, you’ll have an idea of how this thing worked. It seemed like a thousand tiny pieces all attached to each other by plastic. I had to cut each piece out with wire cutters.

My neck and arms are still sore today…

New Phones

New Phones

Donna and I have switched from Boost Mobile prepaid to US Cellular postpaid. Boost was great in Lawton, but pretty lousy here in Wichita Falls.  US Cellular is a little better, though I’m not sure if it is so much better that it justifies the increased cost! I think we’ll have better reception in rural areas, though. That will make me feel better when traveling.

Beautiful, Wonderful Weekend!

Beautiful, Wonderful Weekend!

I think most people would be complaining about a weekend as rainy and cool as it was.  However, since we have been in a horrible drought for over a year, I am very excited to finally start seeing some rain.  This has actually been a fairly wet winter, considering winter is usually one of our driest times here in Texoma.  With that said, yesterday’s rain was some of the best we’ve had in a long, long time.  Donna and I were laughing because she said to Russell, “You’ve never seen rain before!”  Of course she was being sarcastic, but it is actually kind of true.  He’ll be two years old tomorrow (Happy birthday Russell!), and we’ve been in a drought since about the time he was born…

Busy Saturdays…

Busy Saturdays…

Busy Saturdays… Oh how I love them!  We’re going to be going to a livestock show in Frederick to watch my nephew show a pig…  I remember the days;  hopefully it’s more entertaining as an adult!

Before we go there we’ll be heading over to the book fair at MSU.  Hopefully I’ll find a good book or six there.  Just in case the show is boring ;).

Learning Python… Again…

Learning Python… Again…

Now that the move is finished, I’ve decided to pick this back up. I started over in my book (Learn Python the Hard Way), and this time I am also using the videos on the Udemy website to try to keep me motivated. I think that I will come up with a project so that I have a goal in mind; otherwise I won’t practice outside of the book. Good luck to me! 🙂

Speaking of Christ…

Speaking of Christ…

During the Office of Readings from the Liturgy of the Hours yesterday, I ran across a beautiful passage written by Saint Ambrose:

It is also written: Open your lips, and let God’s word be heard. God’s word is uttered by those who repeat Christ’s teaching and meditate on his sayings. Let us always speak this word. When we speak about wisdom, we are speaking of Christ. When we speak about justice, we are speaking of Christ. When we speak about peace, we are speaking of Christ. When we speak about truth and life and redemption, we are speaking of Christ.

How wonderful it is that everything we think and say and do can be focused on Christ! That is the beauty of the Catholic faith; we are able to find Christ in day-to-day things. It is not just on Sundays that we think of Christ but every day, in all circumstances!