2020 – The Year of the Plague

Hey, it’s July! That means we’re more than halfway through the year…thank God! 2020 has been a challenge for most people, I think. We’ve had the Coronavirus/Covid-19 that has been crippling our economy and killing people right and left. We’ve had the Black Lives Matter protests which have turned into riots (they do matter). And through it all, President Trump has been our fearless leader… or not. He seems to think that if he ignores everything it will all work out. I hope he’s right; I really do.
Looking on the bright side, though, we get to go see my mom in Michigan in a couple of days! To be honest, I think I’ve already checked out in my mind… I do dread the drive, though. Two long days… We’re splitting it up so that it is one super-long day, followed by one medium-long day. Hopefully that will make it work.