Donna Got a Job!

Donna Got a Job!

Donn won’t be at home with the kids all day any more.  She got a job teaching 5th Grade at Notre Dame!  She has been really excited about it, and has been working non-stop since she found out she had the job.  Classes at Notre Dame actually began last week, giving Donna about three days notice before the first day of class!  But, she is a trooper, and has made it work.  Saturday, we made the trip to Ardmore to see Donna’s parents.  Since Donna’s mom teaches 5th Grade in Ardmore it was mostly a get-classroom-supplies trip.  My trunk is completely full of stuff for Donna’s classroom.  She forgot to take my car to work this morning, so it will be a little longer before I have my trunk back!  I guess you can only remember to do so many things; she’s got a lot on her plate.

Preston starts school next Monday.  He will be going to Kindergarten at Holliday Elementary.  The other two boys will be in day care at Country Campus in Holliday.  Things have been working out really well.  I pray they continue to do so!

Long Time, No Posts!

Long Time, No Posts!

I haven’t really done a good job of updating my blog lately… Just lazy, I guess.

Honestly, not much has happened. We’ve all been sick over the last week. Donna’s mom had knee replacement surgery. We visited Marlys in the City, where we saw the tornado damage from last month. We’ve been getting rain the last few days (praise Jesus!). I think that’s about it…

I Need a Weekend to Recover From My Weekend

I Need a Weekend to Recover From My Weekend

This last week has been pretty stressful.  On Wednesday my car decided to start acting wonky.  It has been losing power on acceleration.  I figured it was the spark plugs, so I bought some new ones and changed them out.  Two days later (yes, it took that long, and my hands are cut up too) my car has new spark plugs and wires, and it’s still acting up.

It’s Mother’s Day weekend, so we decide to take my car to Ardmore so that I can put some fuel injector cleaner in the gas and see if that helps out.  So, we get to Ardmore, and Donna’s parents buy us lunch at McDonald’s (McYucky’s as we call it).  Then they want to go to the park with the kids.  I didn’t really want to since my car is acting up, but Donna doesn’t give me any choice.  While at the park, Donna’s mom thinks it will be a good idea to take the kids to the splashpad so they can play in the water.  I tried to sit that one out, but Donna made me go sit with everyone else.  Russell, his usual self, falls down while running and hits his head on the concrete.  It was bad enough that everyone makes us take him to the emergency room.  It was pretty scary, because he was drooling and sedated.  After the doctor sees us, Russell even throws up a couple of times.  They do a CT scan and let us know he’ll be okay, after which Russell finally starts coming to (about two hours after his accident!).

After all that, we go to El Chico to eat, where Russell wolfs down chips and queso.  He had been begging for nachos as soon as we left the hospital.  After barfing it all up though, he seems fairly content not to eat any more.

Sunday, Mother’s Day, was mostly uneventful.  I grilled (burned) hamburger, hotdogs, bratwurst, and shrimp, and we feasted.  Then we packed up and went home.

The car is still acting up…

April Update

April Update

The New House!

We’ve had the new house for just about two months now.  It’s amazing how quickly I’ve gotten used to living here!  It definitely feels like home now.  I think the kids have gotten used to it now too; they sure have been making messes!  So I guess things are starting to get back to normal.  We’ve had Russell in at the doctor a couple of times.  Once to the urologist in Fort Worth, and once to the speech therapist.  We go back to the urologist tomorrow.  Boy, kids are expensive!  We’re just now getting started paying on the medical bills from Todd Daniel’s birth, and now we’re going to start getting some more for Russell!

Moved In

Moved In

We had lots of help moving most of the stuff from Wichita to Holliday yesterday. We now live in Holliday. There’s still a lot of clutter around the old house that we need to take care of, and then we can clean it up and be done with it. Fun times!

Going On a Permanent Holliday…

Going On a Permanent Holliday…

This buying-a-house business has gone surprisingly smooth so far <knock on wood!>.  We are supposed to close today at 2:30pm!  I am thrilled, excited, nervous, and whatever else you can think of.  Donna, on the other hand, is sick.  “Coming out both ends,” as she says.  She said that we’re going to close today even if the notary has to follow her into the bathroom!

I’ve already begun making house in Holliday.  I’ve had the utilities transferred to my name.  We just have to let them know when we get there so they can turn the water on for us.  We wouldn’t want a flooded laundry room after all!  My plan is to purchase a refrigerator tonight or tomorrow, to be delivered in the next couple of days.  We will work on cleaning in the new house and packing up the old house.  I hope to get officially moved in by the end of next weekend…  We’ll see how that goes!

And I just have to say that the folks at Jacksboro National Bank have been great to work with.  They have answered all of my questions quickly, and it has been easy getting the documents to them.  Thank God for email.  I can’t imagine how bad it must have been providing documents before…

Playing the Waiting Game

Playing the Waiting Game

The inspection went well and the appraisal came back. It is good. Now we’re just waiting to see if we’ll be approved for the loan. Every once in a while my loan officer emails me to ask for more information, so I know everything is still moving, but it sure seems to have slowed down!

Lord, give me patience during this time and in all things may Your will be done! I hope it is Your will for us to get the house, but if it isn’t, please stop it from happening…

Buying First Home

Buying First Home

We’re working on buying our first house. We’ve already found a house that we really like and have entered contract to buy it, assuming the inspection goes well tomorrow. If it all pans out, we’ll be living in Holliday soon!

The End is Near!!!

The End is Near!!!

A priest and a pastor from the local churches are standing by the side of the road, pounding a sign into the ground that reads: “The End Is Near! Turn Yourself Around Now–Before It’s Too Late!”

As a car speeds past them, the driver yells, “Leave us alone, you religious nuts!”

From around the curve they hear screeching tires and a big splash.

The pastor turns to the priest and asks, “Do you think the sign should just say “Bridge Out?”

Todd Daniel’s Birthday!

Todd Daniel’s Birthday!

Today is Todd Daniel’s birthday!  He was born at 1:18pm at United Regional Hospital in Wichita Falls.  He weighed in at 6lb 9oz and was 19.5 inches long.  He was really similar to Russell’s size.  Preston and Russell had a good time visiting him in the hospital, and they seemed to be thrilled to get to meet him!  Donna was a trooper, and is doing great now.

Todd Daniel: 12 minutes old
Preston and Russell getting to know Todd Daniel